9 dpiui

Nine days past IUI… five days until my test… have been feeling decidedly unpregnant today until I got a little queasy this evening which I know can be a side effect of the progesterone!!

I think I am bored with waiting. Not even, like, nervous or anxious. Just bored. I have a short attention span, and I can only stay hyped up about things for so long. My blood test is next Weds, 14 dpiui, 15 days past my HCG trigger shot. I’ve read that you can get a false positive if you home test within 14 days of the HCG trigger, so I’m not doing it. However, I was thinking of home testing on the day of my blood test. Which will be two days past the predicted start of my period. Which Captain Doctor says will be delayed by the progesterone suppositories. What do y’all think?? I have to work that day, so whatever results I get from the lab (will I get them the same day??) will be a phone call from Captain Doctor, which I will then have to relay to Jen, which seems… I don’t know. Kind of lame. Unromantic. Anxiety-producing, if I’m busy and can’t answer the phone when I get the call. (MORE anxiety than I will already have all day, that is!) I just wish we could get our results together.
